Survivor's Remorse, on the other hand, is a lacerating dark comedy about family and sports and the price of the American Dream. It doesn't shy from potent issues and begins its fourth season emboldened to try new things in terms of style and tone.
“Once again, Survivor's Remorse has become about O'Malley and company proving they aren't interested in evading consequences, a direct reply to critics who wrongly described the series as "Entourage with basketball" when it premiered."
“Survivor’s Remorse”: Real comedy that finds honest laughter in pain
"Laughing with “Survivor’s Remorse” comes easily. So does understanding its painful moments. Superbly written, thought-provoking comedies of this caliber are hard to come by these days — especially ones that leave no question as to what they are and what they aspire to be. "
Why You Should Watch: ‘Survivor’s Remorse,’ The Show ‘Entourage’ Was Never Good Enough To Be
"It’s both intensely satisfying and feels like nothing else on TV."
Survivor's Story: How Mike O'Malley Reinvented Himself with Survivor's Remorse
Variety: Our Staff Picks: TV Shows to Watch the Week of August 21, 2017
This fine Starz series is in its fourth season, and has only grown sharper and funnier with every passing year.
The key to a great show is diversity. Just ask 'Survivor's Remorse' creator Mike O'Malley
All the Women are Light-Skinned: Colorism Comes to Survivor's Remorse
Starz’s Survivor’s Remorse hilariously tweaks the modern outrage cycle in a standout episode
“The series is one of TV’s best at satirizing the 24-hour news cycle ... I don’t think there’s a better show on TV at examining the weird divisiveness of the American class divide than this one."
Grief, Feminism and Comedy in the Survivor's Remorse Season Premiere
“The captivating cinematography and bold directorial choices from Peter Segal, and the decision to dive deep into new and even more serious territory, tell me thatSurvivor’s Remorse is doing something only great shows attempt to do—it is evolving."
‘Survivor’s Remorse’ Showrunner Mike O’Malley on That One-Two Punch of a Season Premiere
“Survivor’s Remorse” is officially classified as a comedy. But even before the Starz series aired Sunday’s tragic season 3 premiere episodes, fans already knew that there was a depth to this show that places it heads above your average sitcom."
‘Survivor’s Remorse’ Season 3 Premiere Sets Ratings Record For Starz Comedy
"Last night’s Season 3 Survivor’s Remorse premiere drew 883,000 viewers in Live+SD, up 164% from its second-season debut and 335% from its series premiere debut telecast in 2014. The series’ premiere night airings (three telecasts) July 24 totaled 1.25 million in Live+SD, the most ever for a Starz original comedy series."
Review: ‘Survivor’s Remorse’ Season Three
"The show continues to be one of the best on television at examining class ... Survivor’s Remorse uses the backdrop of an enormous leap in wealth to explore and critique all sorts of subjects."
Please, For the Love of God, Watch ‘Survivor’s Remorse’
"O’Malley is also a seriously sharp comedic writer. If there’s one show I wish more people were watching — and talking about — it’s Survivor’s Remorse, which returns in fine form for a third season this Sunday ... a refreshingly uncynical approach to comedy at a time when there's plenty of cynicism on TV. Watch it please."
Surprise season start to Starz’s ‘Survivor’s Remorse’
"The performances continue to be winning on every level, and O’Malley’s scripts are works of tragicomic beauty."
Critic's Notebook: 'Survivor's Remorse' Season 2 Finale Takes a Dark Turn
"... a season that saw Survivor's Remorse rise to a place among the sharpest, best-written comedies on all of television ... The transition of creator and showrunner Mike O'Malley from a respected character actor (who we knew also wrote) into a wildly fresh and smart comedic voice capable of being hip, intelligent, raunchy and emotional has been especially notable."
Survivor’s Remorse talks about money unlike any other show on TV
"In a world where money can make life much, much easier, the things that are eternal hold the greatest sway."
Vox Culture
The Hollywood Reporter TV Critics' Favorite Episodes of 2015
"Mike O'Malley's Starz basketball series went from a short, sharply written first season to a place among TV's best comedies in the second season, an ascension made clear in episode two. Cam's decision to start charging his family for the free Coke machine in their house caused sister M-Chuck to punch him in the face, sparking a national — and talk-radio — referendum on domestic abuse and masculinity in sports. Survivor's Remorse has always been at its best when it tackles hot-button issues in smart and shockingly funny fashion, and the climactic PSA "Domestic violence is nothing to joke about" sponsored by the sitewww.menbruisetoo.org was brilliantly barbed satire."
The 20 Best Returning Shows of 2015
“Survivor’s Remorse,” Starz: I’m a latecomer to this show — I recently binged both seasons in a few days, and I can highly recommend that experience, even if, like me, you have zero interest in sports. This nimble half-hour, which tells the story a young basketball star’s rise to wealth and fame, is deftly entertaining, funny and droll, which allows it to sneak in some skillfully explored ideas about authenticity, responsibility and trying to your retain integrity in a fame-hungry world. “Survivor’s Remorse” is part family sitcom and part tart rom-com, and it features one of the best supporting casts in the game. RonReaco Lee’s deadpan reactions never fail to land beautifully, Erica Ash’s M-Chuck is a wildly entertaining ball of fire, and Tichina Arnold finds any number of ways to give dimension and depth to the watchful and exacting Cassie, the family matriarch. Real talk, though: Mike Epps’ Uncle Julius is the best thing about “Survivor’s Remorse.” Always laid back and loyal, sometimes high and consistently as funny as hell, Uncle Julius is just the best.
Mike O'Malley's Brilliant Family Sitcom "Survivor's Remorse" Asks New Questions About the American Dream
"It’s hard to know what to praise first about the show, which just might be the funniest on TV: the crackerjack ensemble and their dizzyingly quick banter, the playful but profound writing that effortlessly juggles multiple tones and perspectives, or the searching explorations of the secrets to and responsibilities of success."
The Village Voice
Concussion, Sony Pictures
Mike O'Malley in Concussion, Starring Will Smith, Opening December 25th
Concussion, Sony Pictures
Showrunner Mike O'Malley on Boldness and Feminism in Survivor's Remorse
Actor-writer Mike O’Malley has a biting honesty that can’t be denied...He’s interested in examining the turmoil in the characters lives he’s dreamed up—exploring the complexities of what happens when pride and egocentrism collide.
NAACP Image Award Nominations
Starz’ “Survivor’s Remorse” received a nomination for best comedy series.
Decatur native RonReaco Lee nabbed a nomination for best comedic lead actor from the same series. Ditto with Mike Epps for best supporting comedic actor and Tichina Arnold for best supporting comedic actress.
Mike O'Malley on Windy City Queercast Podcast
Actor/writer/producer LGBT ally, Mike O'Malley, joins Amy on the Queercast. Mike shares some stories of growing up on the East Coast, being a theater jock, working on Glee as (the best dad ever) Burt Hummel, and now producing and writing for his new Starz show, Survivor's Remorse.
Survivor's Remorse is the political comedy we've been waiting for"
“Survivor’s Remorse” is sharp and wildly funny about race, and particularly about the intersection of race and class. It’s the rare place anywhere in American public life or culture where white characters actually talk about whiteness — their immigrant ancestors, their white guilt, the scripts they fear playing into ... The comedy, which returns to Starz for a second season on Saturday, feels like a show we’ve been waiting on for a very long time.
The Washington Post
The Unapolegetically Black Comedy of Survivor's Remorse
"The writers of Survivor’s Remorse subscribe to the George Carlin school of thought, where nothing is off limits, and anything can be funny, depending on the joke’s construction ... We can get excited about Survivor’s Remorse because it’s going to exist in that wonderful comedic space where stereotypes, cultural and social critiques and offensive humor all mix in, like an American melting pot with, finally, finally, an unapologetically black (in humor and in race) family at the center ... Survivor’s Remorse is a stark reflection of its showrunner, its stars and the many other people and parts that make the series work. It’s a family circus on both sides of the camera, which might help explain why everyone will leave each episode feeling, at some point or another, offended, uncomfortable, embarrassed, but almost assuredly laughing—kind of like an extended family reunion."
Survivor's Remorse a Slam-Dunk in Season 2 Opener
“Survivor’s Remorse” is more than just another sports-related sitcom. For one thing, it’s as much a smart, character-driven drama as it is a comedy. For another, it’s one of the best-written shows on TV. [O'Malley's} he’s a prodigiously gifted TV writer, so much so that it’s worth paying attention to any show he’s created or written."
San Francisco Chronicle
Survivor's Remorse Returns to Starz Better Than Ever for Season 2
“Remorse is back and it’s bigger, brighter and better than it was during its inaugural season. ... the season hits the ground running with a clear intent to grow"
Behind the Scenes of Starz Comedy Survivor's Remorse
“It’s time to check out this slam dunk of a comedy"
Atlanta Magazine
‘Survivor’s Remorse’ Creator Mike O’Malley Talks LeBron James, Fight Scenes and 9 Other Emmy Contender Quickies
"An Emmy contender for a drama or comedy series, O’Malley spoke toTheWrap about his favorite moments from the first season and what he’s looking forward to in Season 2."
Starz Renews Survivor's Remorse
"Starz has handed out a second-season renewal for the freshman comedy just five days after its premiere. Survivor's Remorse will get an expanded run in 2015, with the half-hour's episode count being upped from six to ten episodes."
Mike O'Malley to Screen Survivor's Remorse at N.H. Film Festival October 19.
"Mike O'Malley, who attended NHFF in 2012 with his film Certainty, will be host a special screening of his new Starz television show, "Survivor's Remorse." O'Malley is the show's writer and executive producer (along with Executive Producer LeBron James). Survivor's Remorse will be screening the episode at the Seacoast Rep at 1:35 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 19, followed by a Q&A session with O'Malley. "
Catching Up With Mike O'Malley
"Glee has broken the television mold in more ways than one. Its portrayal of what at first appeared to be a homophobic father (named Burt) rejecting his musical-loving gay son (yep, named Kurt) ultimately painted a picture of unconditional parental love. On the cusp of the September 21 second season premiere, we caught up with Mike O'Malley, the Emmy-nominated actor who plays the anything-but-stereotypical father tugging at our heart. "
Survivor's Remorse Reviews
"Slam dunk. [Survivor's Remorse] is that rare thing in television—a wholly unexpected pleasure for all the best of reasons. It's genuinely hilarious and smartly written (Mike O'Malley), its observations are keen, its atmosphere warm but with a saving flinty undertone."
"There’s enough genius in the show to spread around, but creator Mike O’Malley (best known as Kurt’s dad on “Glee”) deserves big props for the way he’s created a comedy that doesn’t seem like a comedy. It’s not just that there is no laugh track: It’s that the humor is sly and more thoroughly integrated into the plot and characterizations than we’re used to in most sitcoms."
Survivor’s Remorse is a gem, a likable, smart, and wise single-camera comedy that ... is as smoothly produced as an effortless, fluid jump shot. The show was created by Mike O’Malley ... and he gives the action a nicely realistic tone. He never lets the over-the-top jokes, including a raucous church scene, define the entire show. He allows room for sweet-but-not-schmaltzy moments and takeaways about class, assimilation, and identity in America."
"Survivor’s Remorse is mordant and very funny, but there is a redeeming sweetness beneath the satire and b-ball swagger. It’s perfect for viewers who can laugh at the privileges and pratfalls of professional sports."
"One of Fall TV's Best New Shows ... Sometimes TV’s best are the least heralded shows, unexpected gems that seemingly come out of nowhere ... Mr. O’Malley roots the show in specific, believable characters that make “Survivor’s Remorse” one of the fall’s stand-out new shows."
"Not only is Survivor’s Remorse an intricate satire of celebrity athlete culture that pulls no punches when it comes to the issues it tackles, it’s also an incredibly funny comedy and weighty human drama in its own right that might actually buy Starz its ticket into the premium cable big time in terms of quality original programming.
"Deadline’s Dominic Patten says it’s a funny, topical and cautionary look at how money changes everything for a young phenom who just signed his first big pro contract. And Dominic says to keep an eye on those supporting characters."
"... Profane yet utterly charming ... The cast is terrific and some of the lines are screamingly funny, but there's also an empathetic, moral underurrent to the story."
"The merrily pungent six-episode Starz comedy series, Survivor's Remorse, is bracingly timely in its focus on the flip side of instant fame and fortune in a pro-sports media fishbowl. Executive-produced by LeBron James and created by Mike O'Malley (Shameless, Glee), this disarming winner has you instantly rooting for basketball prodigy Cam Calloway."
"The show's real revelation is creator/writer/showrunner Mike O'Malley, the standup and sitcom sad sack who takes this ball and slam-dunks it. With his fluid scripts, these sharp actors hit not just three-pointers but also free throws. Which, fans know, can be the toughest shot of all."
Survivor's Remorse Premieres on STARZ
October 4, 2014 - 9 PM ET
“Survivor’s Remorse,” a six-episode half-hour comedy series, follows Cam Calloway played by Jessie T. Usher, a basketball phenom in his early 20’s who is suddenly thrust into the limelight after signing a multi-million dollar contract with a professional basketball team in Atlanta. Cam, along with his cousin, and confidant Reggie Vaughn, played by RonReaco Lee, move to Georgia to start Cam’s journey to success.
The two confront the challenges of carrying opportunistic family members and their strong ties to the impoverished community that they come from. Cam, Reggie, and an unforgettable group of characters wrestle with the rewards and pitfalls of stardom, love, and loyalty.
The series is executive produced by Mike O’Malley, LeBron James, Tom Werner, Maverick Carter, and Paul Wachter, and the cast includes Mike Epps, Tichina Arnold, Teyonah Parris, and Erica Ash.
Survivor’s Remorse © 2014 STARZ Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.
Watch the first 2 Episodes here for free: